Success After Stroke has two main biennial fundraising events. The Carol Service, held at the Holy Trinity Church, Long Melford and the BrushStroke art exhibition held at St. Peter’s Church, Market Hill, Sudbury.
In addition, we hold smaller events from time to time, often inspired by the members, their families and our volunteers. Examples include; climbing Mount Kenya, a charity football match, fun runs and the proceeds from refreshments at an open garden event.
Upcoming Events
Brushstrokes Art Exhibition
10am-4pm daily (closed Monday 11th March)
Sudbury Arts Centre, Sudbury (Formerly St Peter’s Church)
Guest speaker followed by lunch 10:30am, Monday 11th March
Lucinda Hawksley: Author, Art Historian, Biographer and Broadcaster
Tickets £35. For information please email: [email protected]